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api-docs / org.ktorm.entity / mapColumnsNotNullTo


inline fun <E : Any, T : BaseTable<E>, C : Any, R : MutableCollection<in C>> EntitySequence<E, T>.mapColumnsNotNullTo(
    destination: R,
    isDistinct: Boolean = false,
    columnSelector: (T) -> ColumnDeclaring<C>
): R
(source code)

Customize the selected columns of the internal query by the given columnSelector function, and append non-null
results to the given destination.

This function is similar to EntitySequence.mapColumnsTo, but null results are filtered, more details can be found
in its documentation.

The operation is terminal.


destination - a MutableCollection used to store the results.

isDistinct - specify if the query is distinct, the generated SQL becomes select distinct if it’s set to true.

columnSelector - a function in which we should return a column or expression to be selected.