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data class BulkInsertExpression(val table: TableExpression, val assignments: List<List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>>>, val updateAssignments: List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : SqlExpression

Bulk insert expression, represents a bulk insert statement in MySQL.

DSL builder for bulk insert or update on duplicate key clause.

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DSL builder for bulk insert or update statements.

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open class BulkInsertStatementBuilder<T : BaseTable<*>>(table: T)

DSL builder for bulk insert statements.

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data class DefaultValueExpression<T : Any>(val sqlType: SqlType<T>, val isLeafNode: Boolean = true, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ScalarExpression<T>

Default value expression, translated to the default keyword in MySQL, used in insert statements.

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data class InsertOrUpdateExpression(val table: TableExpression, val assignments: List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>>, val updateAssignments: List<ColumnAssignmentExpression<*>> = emptyList(), val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : SqlExpression

Insert or update expression, represents an insert statement with an on duplicate key update clause in MySQL.

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DSL builder for insert or update statements.

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data class LockingClause(val mode: LockingMode, val tables: List<TableExpression>, val wait: LockingWait)

MySQL locking clause, See

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MySQL locking mode.

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MySQL wait strategy for locked records.

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data class MatchAgainstExpression(val matchColumns: List<ColumnExpression<*>>, val searchString: String, val searchModifier: SearchModifier? = null, val sqlType: SqlType<Boolean> = BooleanSqlType, val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ScalarExpression<Boolean>

Match against expression, represents an match ... against ... operation in MySQL. See

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Intermediate class that wraps the search columns of a MatchAgainstExpression.

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Base class of MySQL DSL builders, provide basic functions used to build assignments for insert or update DSL.

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SqlDialect implementation for MySQL database.

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Base interface designed to visit or modify MySQL expression trees using visitor pattern.

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open class MySqlFormatter(database: Database, beautifySql: Boolean, indentSize: Int) : SqlFormatter, MySqlExpressionVisitor

SqlFormatter implementation for MySQL, formatting SQL expressions as strings with their execution arguments.

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data class NaturalJoinExpression(val left: QuerySourceExpression, val right: QuerySourceExpression, val isLeafNode: Boolean = false, val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : QuerySourceExpression

MySQL natural join expression.

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Enum class represents search modifiers in MySQL match ... against ... expressions. See


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fun MatchColumns.against(searchString: String, modifier: SearchModifier? = null): MatchAgainstExpression

Create a MatchAgainstExpression that searches on the current MatchColumns. Translated to match (col1, col2) against (searchString modifier) in SQL.

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fun <T : BaseTable<*>> Database.bulkInsert(table: T, block: BulkInsertStatementBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): Int

Construct a bulk insert expression in the given closure, then execute it and return the effected row count.

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Bulk insert records to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while inserting each of them, and automatically performs updates if any conflict exists.

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MySQL datediff function, translated to datediff(left, right).

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Return a default value for this column, see DefaultValueExpression.

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MySQL greatest function, translated to greatest(column1, column2, ...).

MySQL greatest function, translated to greatest(left, right).

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fun <T : Any> IF(condition: ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>, then: ColumnDeclaring<T>, otherwise: ColumnDeclaring<T>): FunctionExpression<T>
inline fun <T : Any> IF(condition: ColumnDeclaring<Boolean>, then: T, otherwise: T, sqlType: SqlType<T> = SqlType.of() ?: error("Cannot detect the param's SqlType, please specify manually.")): FunctionExpression<T>

MySQL if function, translated to if(condition, then, otherwise).

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MySQL ifnull function, translated to ifnull(left, right).

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Insert a record to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while it's being inserted, and automatically performs an update if any conflict exists.

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inline fun <T : Any> Column<List<T>>.jsonContains(item: T, sqlType: SqlType<T> = SqlType.of() ?: error("Cannot detect the item's SqlType, please specify manually.")): FunctionExpression<Boolean>

MySQL json_contains function, translated to json_contains(column, json_array(item)).

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inline fun <T : Any> Column<*>.jsonExtract(path: String, sqlType: SqlType<T> = SqlType.of() ?: error("Cannot detect the result's SqlType, please specify manually.")): FunctionExpression<T>

MySQL json_extract function, translated to json_extract(column, path).

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fun <T : Comparable<T>> least(vararg columns: ColumnDeclaring<T>): FunctionExpression<T>

MySQL least function, translated to least(column1, column2, ...).

MySQL least function, translated to least(left, right).

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fun Query.locking(mode: LockingMode, tables: List<BaseTable<*>> = emptyList(), wait: LockingWait = WAIT): Query
fun <E : Any, T : BaseTable<E>> EntitySequence<E, T>.locking(mode: LockingMode, tables: List<BaseTable<*>> = emptyList(), wait: LockingWait = WAIT): EntitySequence<E, T>

Specify the locking clause of this query, an example generated SQL could be:

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fun match(vararg columns: Column<*>): MatchColumns

Return an intermediate object that wraps the columns to be searched. We can continue to call against on the returned object to create a MatchAgainstExpression that searches the wrapped columns.

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Join the right table and return a new QuerySource, translated to natural join in SQL.

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MySQL rand function, translated to rand().

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MySQL replace function, translated to replace(str, oldValue, newValue).

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MySQL lower function, translated to lower(str).

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MySQL upper function, translated to upper(str).