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api-docs / org.ktorm.support.sqlite / bulkInsertOrUpdate


fun <T : BaseTable<*>> Database.bulkInsertOrUpdate(
    table: T,
    block: BulkInsertOrUpdateStatementBuilder<T>.(T) -> Unit
): Int
(source code)

Bulk insert records to the table, determining if there is a key conflict while inserting each of them,
and automatically performs updates if any conflict exists.


database.bulkInsertOrUpdate(Employees) {
item {
set(it.id, 1)
set(it.name, "vince")
set(it.job, "engineer")
set(it.salary, 1000)
set(it.hireDate, LocalDate.now())
set(it.departmentId, 1)
item {
set(it.id, 5)
set(it.name, "vince")
set(it.job, "engineer")
set(it.salary, 1000)
set(it.hireDate, LocalDate.now())
set(it.departmentId, 1)
onConflict {
set(it.salary, it.salary + 900)

Generated SQL:

insert into t_employee (id, name, job, salary, hire_date, department_id)
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
on conflict (id) do update set salary = t_employee.salary + ?


table - the table to be inserted.

block - the DSL block used to construct the expression.

the effected row count.