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api-docs / org.ktorm.schema / BaseTable / transform


fun <C : Any, R : Any> Column<C>.transform(
    fromUnderlyingValue: (C) -> R,
    toUnderlyingValue: (R) -> C
): Column<R>
(source code)

Transform the registered column’s SqlType to another. The transformed SqlType has the same typeCode and
typeName as the underlying one, and performs the specific transformations on column values.

This enables a user-friendly syntax to extend more data types. For example, the following code defines a column
of type Column<UserRole>, based on the existing column definition function int:

val role = int("role").transform({ UserRole.fromCode(it) }, { it.code })

Note: Since Column is immutable, this function will create a new Column instance and replace the origin
registered one.


fromUnderlyingValue - a function that transforms a value of underlying type to the user’s type.

toUnderlyingValue - a function that transforms a value of user’s type to the underlying type.

the new Column instance with its type changed to R.

See Also
